Mission; Organisational Culture; Culture in Joint Ventures, Mergers & Acquisitions
Right CultureTM
Organizational Culture Consulting
Culture building for Startups
Culture building should be amongst your top priorities
As a startup, you have big ambitions. And why not?
You are keenly aware about companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix, etc. and their astounding growth to global leadership. Their businesses are different but they all have one key ingredient in common, and that is their unique "culture." Their founders are visionaries who codified their culture from day- one. They ushered in new-age principles like speed, experimentation, risk-taking, and made a bold departure from the cultural paradigms of legacy companies. They attracted top-tier talent urging them to make an impact on the world.
Now, its your turn. Your hands are full and while realizing that culture is a key ingredient, you don't know where to begin? All the anecdotal evidence combined from several companies could be a hotch-potch solution to this problem. Copying someone else's culture is even worse. Your company is as unique as any one like Google.
We help you navigate this uncertain territory by offering a systematic solution:
Help you and your leadership team appreciate the power of culture
Introduce you to a model which essentially comprises three layers--foundational cultural building blocks, performance- driving cultural blocks, and the future shaping cultural blocks. Together, they help you run the current economic engine vigorously and at the same time, help you create future economic engines.
They are further broken down into easy-to-understand values or principles. Demystify terms like meritocracy and psychological safety. Even seemingly simple terms like "transparency."
As the founder, getting to understand your own values and principles is a key step.
Brainstorming amongst senior leaders in your team and if you like, employees at large, arriving at a set of values or principles, which can be written down and thus codified. This gives you a common starting point.
Converting these values into "actionable behaviors."
We need to appreciate that values are not static but living, breathing entities. Show a way to use them, periodically assess, and refresh them. Weave them into your systems and day-to-day working.
Appreciate that culture is an ongoing phenomenon and that when aligned with strategy, produces great results. A major departure in strategy might need some tweaks in your culture as well.
Tackle issues like dilution of your cherished values when the growth is sudden and spread over many geographies. As a founder, you may experience discomfort when the start-up culture gives way to formal systems and procedures, slowing down decision-making and clipping risk-taking. Financial and market matrices start weighing on your mind all the time. Or investors force predictability of results. How do you handle these issues without sacrificing your start-up mindset?
Thus, there is a systematic way to build your organization's culture rather than leaving it to a chance. You need to control your culture before it starts controlling you. A vibrant, enabling culture will release your precious time and attention to focus on strategic issues than getting wasted in fire-fighting and micro-managing.
Come, together, let's build tomorrow's Google, or Amazon, or Netflix.